Illustrations + Copywriting + Product Design

My VA Magazine

Role: Visual Information Specialist
Location: Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center
Brief: Work with copywriters to design a magazine layout

This magazine is something Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston, South Carolina had produced quarterly. I was incharge of design direction as well as sending it out to the Goverment Printing Office for reproduction. From there it was sent to all 7 of the hospitals CBOC’s and to others.

This magazine is 508 compliant and all writing was done by Public Affairs Specialists at Ralph H. Johnson VAMC. The entirety of this magazine was created within InDesign. There are various amazing stories within this but one I personally would like to point out is about Stacy Pearsall, an Air Force Veteran who is renowned for her photography. She is the creator of the Veterans Portrait Project and also featured is her dog Charlie who is a very well known American VetDog.

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